Wedding Video Pitfalls - Avoid These Mistakes!

Video Blogs To Grow Your Business

Wedding videographer, Ryan Lindquist uses our In-Studio Production Services to reach his target audience and showcase his talent and expertise.  Ryan earns trust with new prospects and creates more bookings by publishing videos on a monthly schedule. Red Wagon Studio provides professional lightning, teleprompter, a professional lighting, cameras, and audio with the option for black, white, grey or your choice of photo backdrop.

Ryan is producing meaningful marketing assets selling his services 24/7.  Why settle with a regular blog when you can have a video blog!

Red Wagon Studio makes video production for Ryan simple and affordable. Ryan can shoot his video in 15 to 30 minutes with no setup fees, no hassle, no fuss. Our "talking head" studio is ready to shoot before Ryan steps into the studio.  We even review and load his script on the teleprompter and printed copy for our video producer.

Lights, camera, action!

Testimony From Ryan

"Come May 2018, it will be 10 years since I filmed my first wedding. Therefore, I thought it was time that I share some knowledge with others in the wedding industry.

I wanted to demonstrate to my clients that I am able to handle the "curve balls" in wedding videography. I also wanted to establish myself as an expert among other professionals in my industry.

Also, for those who are starting a business in wedding videography or photography, I hope these can help them avoid some common mistakes. Here's to unity with a dash of collaboration!

A few words on Red Wagon Video

I know Scott and his creative team well, having collaborated on corporate projects. But I wasn't happy with my number of bookings last year for my own wedding videography work. Scott pushed me to produce and market more vlogs early this year and what a difference it made.  This year I am in a position to pick and choose which jobs I take. I was 80% booked by the end of January.  That makes me a happy camper" - Ryan Lindquist

Have Questions?

If you have questions about how we produced Ryan's video please ask! Email [email protected]