Concero Cloud Services - Animated Logo

Animated logo for Cloud Services

Concero, a Canadian cloud service provider in Western Canada, and leader of Cloud Workspaces, requested a creative logo animation with a tech feel to punch up the brand in their video marketing efforts. Red Wagon Studio researched potential options then provided a storyboard with a proof of concept. Once we settled on the best idea for the animation we delivered awesome visuals with custom sound FX.

"You can't have a great animation without carefully crafted sound. Sound gives life to motion. If you want something great sound FX will take an animation to the next level. Be sure to include a budget for sound design!"

~ Scott Beardmore, Video Producer

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We help business owners like you determine the appropriate budget for any video project. Having the right budget fro a video project is critical to get the results you need to elevate your brand. Don't settle for mediocre media, speak with a video marketing expert today!